Property Expos
The Australian Property Expo is one of Australia's Largest Established Property & Investment Expos. As a guest speaker, Rasti Vaibhav (aka my dad) was invited to speak on both days at the Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney Expos, representing the family business, Get RARE Properties.

Get RARE, which stands for "Get Rich And Retire Early," is a buyer's agency that focuses on education and strategy when building a property portfolio to become financially free eventually. This business started in 2020, and I have been actively involved in branding. Using Ontraport, I created the website from scratch. I also made posters and banners to be used in the expos. One of the ways of attracting people to our stall was a lucky draw to win a free copy of the book written by my dad. After designing the slips for each lucky draw entry, I cut each one out individually with a paper cutter. Thankfully, I made enough to last the three expos with extras, so this daunting task only had to be performed once. 

    At the expos, we hung posters of recent deals, awards and call-to-actions. We also put up the banners. On the tables, we placed the business cards, pens, lucky draw slips, books, brochures and the jar for the lucky draw. A lot to fit on one table! Unfortunately, I couldn't attend the first expo in Melbourne. Instead, I helped gather all the posters, pens, banners and books. As it was our first, we learnt many things and used the feedback in the following expos.
      The next exhibition was in the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, located in the city, and I could also attend! On the first day, I talked to many passers-by and informed them about our business. As independent buyer agencies are a relatively new concept in Australia, I talked mainly about what we did. When someone seemed interested in our services, I talked them through the following steps and encouraged them to participate in the lucky draw. Before my dad's seminar, I went out to eat Mexican food for lunch. After returning, I continued to sell more books and bring awareness to our family business. By the end of the day, I was tired out, and my legs began to ache and took every chance to sit down as I was standing all day.

      The following day, I came with a fresh mind and more excitement! Sunday was a less busy day, as many adults who work 9-5 jobs would've wanted a peaceful Sunday. Nevertheless, there were still many people, and I was always up on my feet, selling books or talking to people or helping my parents out. Halfway through the day, my sister joined so we could eat lunch together. As the day ended, we started to pack while talking to the last few people.

        The most recent exhibition was in Brisbane, and as I loved Sydney's experience so much, I offered to also go to this one and help out my dad. Due to COVID, I hadn't travelled on a plane since 2019, so I was excited for the expo and plane trip to and from Brisbane! Once there, I had two days to kill as my dad had a few meetings, so I did some homework from school. On the day of the exhibitions, I had lots of fun and was able to meet new people and take photographs/videos of my dad as he had his face-to-face seminars. On the evening of Sunday, my dad and I went on a river cruise, meeting people from the expo. Surprisingly, we also randomly met another buyer's agent, which is very rare as there are not many people who are buyer's agents. I had lots of fun in Brisbane and can't wait to do it again.

        Many people congratulated me for starting so young and exposing myself to the property market and industry, helping me gain confidence. I have learned a lot about selling and connecting with a one-to-one audience, and I can't wait to attend more expos.
          About Me
          My name is Jia Rastogi and I am Australian of Indian origin. I am in Year 11 and currently attend NBSC Manly Campus.
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